The Process

Fredrik's reflections

· Fredrik's reflections

The process has been going at least a year now, depending on how you count.

What to believe where it will lead us? We have some visions, some dreams, and also concrete ideas and projects already started.

It is not so easy to decide how to present what we are doing publicly, so far. We want to share some of our process, because we believe that sooner or later some people would be interested in it. And if we do it well, it will help the process, and help us to reach out to the people we hope to meet and collaborate with and become friends with.

We are doing a lot of planning, quite a lot of research, we are collecting and reviewing what we already know, we are discussing and talking and talking and discussing. We need to do much more concrete things very soon, meeting many more people and engaging in different activities. On the other hand, we need to know well who we are and what our priorities are, our core values, and what we do not want to get involved with.

We are certain that the process must be fun, energising, not only work on routine. It shall follow a plan, but shall have a lot of space for improvisation and surprises. If we can contain this, the process will lead us to our goals, yes, we have then already reached one of the most important.

So, what is this process about? We are building something, an organisation, a structure, a network. It is about education, art, music, research, development of tools that can help you increase your awareness and consciousness - which of these it will turn out to be the most of, we do not know yet. Perhaps all of them.

We are exploring different topics, seemingly too different, but we are convinced that they have things in common, and we are trying to connect the dots. To live is not very simple. Well, it could be, it could be just about survival, or just about contemplation in isolation - but for many people that does not sound as the best option. For us life is complex, a great opportunity to learn new things, to develop yourself and together with others, to find ways to help society and humanity and planet Earth - maybe not to solve the biggest problems, but still make an important difference. These are fine words, and it is easy to just get stuck in the words, as well as it is easy to become pessimistic about everything… To handle living in this mess, the world of today with so much stress, agony, information overload, aggressive behaviours, it takes a strategy, it takes knowledge, it takes some tools, it takes good friends.

Our process takes place in this, we are searching for what is most important, to us, and hopefully to others. Not at all the whole of humanity, no, we are searching for the few who might share some of our perspectives and wishes. Wishes about being joyful, and continuing the process of development and exploration.

Fredrik Hagstedt