• learning and teaching



    We are convinced about a comprehensive view with many perspectives, for example that order, discipline and structure is necessary as well as tolerance to each other’s differences, different backgrounds and prerequisites, and different opinions; that it is important both to strive for own success and to be listening and helpful towards your surroundings; to have a rational and scientific-based perception of reality, but also to accept the magic in existence, that not everything is logically understandable; that it is important to listen to your body and your emotions, but also to dare to go outside your

    comfort zone

    And to take risks and allow yourself to fail

    …and to succeed!

    We don’t represent a specific political or ideological orientation, and even not any particular religious belief system. If others like to label us, that tells more about them then about us.



    Our main goal is to help

    We are in the process of developing a series of courses, meetings and seminars, as well as create an app that will help people to start the work on their own.

    We want the content to be broad, including a lot of aspects of life, and deep in the sense that we dig into serious, existential questions.

    We deal with emotional challenges, intellectual topics, spiritual inspirations - and we will do day-long hikes in nature, so the physical body will also be very much activated.

    We believe that learning and teaching are closely connected, therefore, every participant is expected to both teach and learn during our courses. You will be asked to share something that is important to you, to inspire the other.

    We are heading towards building a sort of school for the future. We have a vision, but very much of the details are yet to be decided. If you want to be a part of this work, this creative process, which we call The Yellow Road, taking part in one of our courses is a good starting point.


    Our main goal is to help humanity through helping dedicated humans, to create a network, or many networks, of people who want to reinvent life, love and learning.


    Let's ignite all the fire within us...

    Our coming courses will be challenging – intellectually, emotionally – even physically, within limits and comfort, of course. And spiritually, and even into magical worlds. Do You want to be a part of this? Do you dare? Do you feel the urge? Then please contact us. Write to us, tell a little about yourself, how you can contribute and what you would hope to get from participating.





    Send an email to us at hagstedt @ bahnhof . se




    Happiness is a choice. As John Lennon inspired us to imagine,
    it is time to finally imagine.